Thursday, April 30, 2009

Back by Popular Demand-Round 2 : Odds on What Cabinet Post Gets Canned First

Now that the Cabinet Post draft is over, vetting fun is no longer on C-Span Comedy Channel and all Cabinet Posts have all been finally appointed; in spite of the difficulty of trying to find an honest democrat that is not a cheater, it's fun time for Round Two of:

What are the odds of which cabinet post gets fired first (or leaves for any fabricated phoney-baloney reason)?

So back by popular demand, I'll be editing the odds when I feel like it. Because frankly due to a total denial of the media of the start of the Happy Depression yesterday but not ignored by the blogwits-the new way to get unbiased news quickly. I am feeling pretty blogged out at the moment-a blogdumb. So stand by for edits and new odds being posted. Probably after I finish burning my dinner, a Pelosi Swine Flu Panic Special. (HR1).

But remember, everyone avoid transporting yourself as suggested by Joe "the gaffer" Biden today. Avoid any enclosure including every method of transportation: bicycle, rail, skateboard, subway, pogo stick, car, air, roller skates, submarine, Harley hogs, or any other other method of dangerous and highly hazardous means of high probability infectious transportation. Just call in tomorrow and tell your boss you are just doing what was suggested by Joe today and therefore, you are merely being a good American patriot. Soo-eee, everyone merely panic and stay home tomorrow. Just not my home, you infected deadly swiners.

For special people from Ark., no driving pet hogs to work. Leave Porky at home. For TX, no driving longhorn steers. And please TX, do secede. You are like a whole other country-Red China. In regard to open borders, we must keep Mexican border open so work in CA, NM, TX and AZ can actually get some work done. We cannot afford to let Home Depot collapse. Canadians, do just stay home. We all know you are domestic terrorists. Just like Janet, I hate veterans" stated last week.

Probably same really horrible prize as before. Correctly guess the correct first firing on the right date by posted comment and you get to replace that Cabinet Secretary. So, hurry up and amend your past 3 years of cheating on your tax return before we vet you next. New favorite pop culture slogan: "Don't vet me, bro." I would give a cash prize to the winner instead of punishing them with a Cabinet Post, but it would be my luck that would be illegal in KS.

In order of succession to the Presidency:

Vice President of the United States Joe "the gaffer"Biden: .

700 gaffes to 1. We still love Joe despite his craziness.

Department of State, Secretary Hillary "Traveling PantSuit" Clinton, . Even money to 1 ugly cackling pantsuit.

We all know this sister of the traveling pant suit is highly ranked and one of the consistent odds- on favorites of being the first one to take her traveling pant suit anywhere else.

Department of the Treasury Secretary, "Fire Treasury Tim" Geithner, Another high probability favorite.

2 zillion worthless shares of economically unviable Gov. Motors to 15.8 billion secured government bailout bucks.

Department of Defense, Secretary Robert M. Gates,

Zero F-22's to 4000 F-35 Ford flying fighter trucks, with chrome pig guards to ward off dangerous flying swine for a measy extra 100 million each.

Department of Justice Attorney General Eric "you are all cowards" H. Holder, Jr, .

I am looking to see his odds improving right after he refuses to do anything about Bush torturers because Barry merely wants our national character to look forward, ignoring both the the past and present realities.

20 water boards to 6 racist cracker cowards.

Department of the Interior, Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar,

60 National Parks to 1. Pretty hard gig to get fired from managing national parks as long as you ignore CA.

Department of Agriculture, Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack,

Currently, has anyone noticed anything done by Vilsack. Right now, swine flu is probably going to be his fault. So, until the panic passes. 3 swiners to 4 porkers

Department of Commerce, Secretary Gary F. Locke,

4 to 1. Always a good person to blame for unlocky rotten economy and new Happy Depression.

Department of Labor Secretary, Hilda L. Solis,

150,000 imaginary jobs created to 500 million real job losses/month based on Crazy Nancy Pelosi January job estimates. Crazy Nancy can't understand why her estimates are not jibbing with the reported 630,000 real job losses reported by DOL folks.

Department of Health and Human Services, Secretary Kathleen "I can't go to communion so I am not telling you my Catholic middle name" Sebelius,

My personal favorite. Probably take a while for Kate to remember her errors.

6 Wizards of OZ ex-communications to 3 Toto dog fetuses and 4 red ruby slippers abortions by Killer the Tiller.

Department of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan,

Department of Transportation Secretary, Raymond L. LaHood,

330,000 Slightly Used Egyptian hogs to 1 Joe Biden infected swine flu 67 Corvette.

Department of Energy, Secretary Steven Chu,

No way. Still about 4 hundred million googols to one. No one still have figured out what the heck is he is talking about. Most feared Cabinet post.

Department of Education, Secretary Arne Duncan,

600,000 private school vouchers equal to about the same odds as Congress fully funding NCLB so all those whiny school teachers will be forced to focus on educating children.

Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary, Eric K. Shinseki,

50,000,000 angry domestic Vet terrorists to one soon to be fired Janet.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Janet "please fire me" Napolitano,

Even money. 50 million ticked off vets and all vet organization on DHS terrorist list to the entire population of Canada; not to mention even more dangerous domestic Canadian terrorists.

The following positions have the status of Cabinet-rank:

Council of Economic Advisers -as a group. 3 to 1. Roughly 3.7 trillion budget to 1.2 trillion deficit.

Chair Christina Romer,
Environmental Protection Agency

Administrator Lisa P. Jackson

Office of Management & Budget Director, Peter R. Orszag

2 to 1. Anyone that states Barry's numbers are fuzzy and will not work risks quite a bit. Hopefully, taxpayers will prevent this from happening to an honest patriot.

United States Trade Representative Ambassador Ronald Kirk

United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Ambassador Susan Rice

6 European wussy countries that will not support NATO troops in Afghanistan to 1.

White House Chief of Staff, Rahm I. Emanuel

6 lying scumdog weasel corrupt lawyers from IL to 1 Rod Blogonovich.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Have A Happy Depression Day Today


Happy Depression Day is Wednesday, April 29. Hope everyone celebrates with generous amounts of Depression Soup as I previously wrote about. Remember, don’t panic yet. This is not the Great Depression. The US Dept. of Commerce officially reported really bad revised GDP numbers this morning. Officially, this is the 3rd consecutive decline in GDP making the recession move to an official depression. Which means next quarter's decline in GDP should look great in retro.

Plus in other good news, Congress approves 3.4 trillion federal budget projecting a historic deficit of 1.2 trillion. Naturally, all this crap is provided you trust anyone, that intentionally calls themselves an economist. Like Treasury Tim and his scam this week related to converting our secured $15. 8 billion GM bailout loan and converting it insanely to around 99% unsecured equity in economically unviable Government Motors. This usurpation will cause an almost immediate lose of 10 billion dollars of our tax money. Which more than likely, will be worth $0 billion when GM goes bankrupt later. Fire Treasury Tim, another freaking economist we cannot afford.

Maybe Barry will talk about it on TV tonight. But don't hold your breathe on that happening. Typically, it will be "rah-rah I saved the world" kind of 100-day megalomania kind of speech tonight with my 1.75 trillion projected historic federal budget, 4 times last year's federal budget. And we all thought Bush was a rotten irresponsible politician.

News yesterday reported Barry's second part, the tax portion is shooting the moon for 1.5 trillion in taxes. Good luck with that happening. Even with a dem nut socialist controlled Congress for the last 4 years. I'd do some of that figurin' on how much 1.5 trillion divided by 300 million Americans computes to, but my cheap calculator does not work when I try to input trillion or more amounts. And even I have a hard enough time figuring how many zeros it takes to be certain that big a number is a trillion. Lots of zeros. Too many zeros.

It’s merely the Happy Depression until mass bank failures start depleting the recent 500 billion FDIC funds Congress recently added to avoid a massive run on the banks and to replenish more anticipated bank losses. What is the count ytd-24. Hopefully, everyone will listen to Bobby McFarin sing “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” around 6000 times/hour on Happy Depression Day instead of King of Darkness, Ozzy Osborne. Continue taking appropriate Rx/preferred coping substances as many times daily as you want, as needed indefinitely.

I did try to determine based on GDP, when was the last depression based on US Dept. of Commerce. This may be my first official depression. Because I could not find any data that indicated we have in fact, had an economic depression since the Great Depression. So, I guess we should all by partying tomorrow as we face an event most of us have never experienced.

I highly suggest one ask for Depression Sex. I mean this is a lot bigger event than the often requested Birthday or Happy New Year Sex. Give it a shot. This is a historic event that only happens every few decades. Try the emotional crying stuff as a last resort. I mean you should be able to fake being depressed on depression day. So do some groveling. Maybe you will get lucky with such a lame reason using typical man-thought. The downside risk is about zero. Let's face it. Rhetorically, what is the worst outcome? More rejection. Like we are not used to that by now. We men are masters of rejection. Which explains one of many reasons why we like golf and fishing so much.
I was saving this for my renewed week's guest post at JOCOSOB web site piece on Saturday titled: Weekly Dem Nut Analysis. But, the crime fighting Dr. wants me to condense covering the weekly geopolitical stuff from international to local level to less than the prior 1200 word essay last week. Naturally, you do whatever it takes to make blog mods happy. Unless it is a dem blog mod like Kansas Jackass Jason Croucher. So, this is part of that effort as I edit the draft version for posting on Saturday to the bare bones.

I can't believe Kansas Jackass commenters get mad over my substantial efforts as the part-time weekend open forum moderator. How ungrateful, until I remind myself, they really are jackasses. As well as progressive, way too liberal dem nuts socialists getting closer every day to becoming full blown commies. (Demiwants). In the political spectrum that makes America great, Kansas Jackasses are far past the rainbow, getting real close to the Twilight Zone neighborhood. So fiscal conservatives, try to help explain stuff to KS Jackasses. They need all the help they can get with their youthful, but misguided impractical dem nut idealism.

Tell them I sent you. They will really enjoy that. They also prefer to be addressed as Dem Socialists. These jackasses keep refusing to admit how much they love me as their token republican troll and part-time open forum weekend mod. So come on over to Jackass, my other part-time blog, regardless of what those jackasses think. However, if you are a fiscal conservative, these Jackasses will cause you a lot of grief. Which is one of the great joys of life-irritating a bunch of jackasses.

Just got via an e-mail from my buddy forced to be in the horrible state of TX a while. There is a new violation of your privacy to be found at this new link to the National Driver's License Database. Just by clicking that http thing below this line, you can obtain a photo of all Demiwants. Or even your own. Go here: Even better than last week's DHS Terrorist link. Stand by to laugh a lot.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Kansas Reporting 4 Cases of Congressional Swine Flu: Pelosi Virus HR1

Congressional swine flu continues to be a huge epidemic; aka congressional pigism. This week's new word for the political lexicon. Especially in Kansas with four known congressional swines-porkers. Congressional swine flu is believed to have originated in Washington DC and is best known as the Pelosi virus-HR1. Tea Parties are one cure. Keep up the good work as true patriots and do not let fiscally irresponsible politicans that caused the mess give speeches. Also, do not let predatory leeches like AFP and the KC Hardly Fair Tax people get their hooks embedded in your grass roots middle class movement in their twisted and evil flat or consumption tax regressive tax schemes. The other cure for Congressional swine flu is the 2010 election cycle with a new batch of fiscally conservative medicine anticipated at One link/source for further info:

KC Crime fighter/hero Dr. JOCOSOB @ In addition, my relatively new rookie blog is now being follwed by a fellow fiscal conservative in Florida @ Naturally one of the goals of this blog is further expansion nationally. Florida blog mod is a native-born American citizen from Ohio and currently a long-time resident of Florida. His parents were exiles from Cuba. Hopefully, I can get him to make some comments pertaining to his unique perspective regarding restoring relations with Cuba. I merely like the shift I am seeing as clearly stated and intended by our founding father's Constituional respect of other nation's rights to us not interfering in their nation's rights to their national sovereignity. A complete 180 from Bush-led hegemony and imperialism which is one of many reasons I filed as a congressional candidate. As a matter of fact, I talked to the White House in 2007 about being a Presidential intern because someone certainly needed to straighten this guy out. Just imagine-Dick "Satan" Cheney and me in the same room. Pretty certain the news of the day would have been Presidential intern waterboarded and transferred to GITMO.

In other weekend news worth reading, 100 days, 100 mistakes is worth a read @
Which I will be addressing seperately in my new "Weekly Dem Nuts Analysis" giving a broad weekly overview of important stuff from international, domestic, Kansas and local geopolitical perspective from the eyes of one of nine filed 2010 congressional candidates in Kansas. Although, I have differing views on the NY Post's Abomination mistake priority.

Next: In my on-going PorkBall series, I am considering the next posting may be which pork was actually related to the operation of a federal government agency. I am pretty certain Lynn Jenkins will come in last place since most of her pork was to federal agencies, or can establish a reasonable nexus to the operation of the federal government, with only a few mil of pork to municipals having no nexus. How audacious and anti-pork of Jenkins. What was she thinking? Is she trying to be a maverick and go against the DC culture of porkballing? How radical in trying to keep one's congressional oath to abide by the United States Constitution and understanding what promoting the general welfare of the United States means. Damn radical.

She's messing up my campaign to give a gazillion dollars to every resident in the state of Kansas. Around Friday, June 1 campaign mode is going to make a couple of quantum leaps forward with a couple of surprises. Stay tuned. Thanks for visiting my snarky "I get it" blog unlike the current batch of political yahoos that do want to blog or communicate with you at all because they are infected with congressional swine flu. There is a cure to this kind of flu which will be reported when I wrap up the PorkBaller Series.

Finally, I got a pearl of wisdom from a caller pertaining to tax policy reform. The caller asked me a really simple question and then pro-offered a suggestion-This wise person asked me, "why are taxes punitive instead of rewarding a person for their labor? How fundamental. I thanked that person trying to tie that fundamental wisdom into my on-going research on tax policy leading to solutions that I incorporate into what I refer to as "participatory democracy"--where the taxpayer has some kind of control over their own tax dollars; instead of some yahoo politican infected with swine pork flu. I do continue to improve my ability to listen and understand the voices of concerned citizens. I do want to hear solutions. To me, they are the real solution. Best person for Congress-you.

I am merely a voice and data gatherer trying to gather a consensus of what the voters and non-voters want as better solutions and reasonable expectations from their alleged representative, your congressman.

Priority News Alert: 11:45 CST. Gag on Joe Biden unlocked and removed as he delivers the keynote address at the Fifth Annual Richard J. Daley Urban Forum in Chicago. We all know this is worth a gaffe or two. Standing by for him saying something stupid leading to gag being reattached.

Friday, April 24, 2009

PorkBall Series: Porkers love frying State Ed Bacon

In this on-going porker series, analyzing federal state bacon is more difficult to do a single-part analysis. Originally, I wanted to include state pork and state educational pork in one post. But it got murky so I am reverting to simplicity in this post only focusing on state education pork, subject to any revision.

When it comes to state pork, there are two distinct subclasses-funding state agency and other instruments of the state crap and funding educational post-secondary institution crap. Plus one has to understand the funding of county government crap and both community colleges and public state universities are merely instruments of the state. I also wonder if these porkballers are going to pass out bacon for education, why limit frying the bacon to merely post-secondary education?

State education pork has very little logical relation or nexus to promoting the general welfare of the United States or funding any federal government agency. But, that does not stop congressional porkers from doling out our federal tax dollars to state governments or instruments of the state in some kind of corrupt process. Why the states including Kansas can’t pay for their own crap once again remains a huge mystery demonstrating a fiscally irresponsible abomination of our United States Constitution.

a) State pork to community colleges/state universities

Moran: 15,751,185, total pork 49.2%
Jenkins: 14, 341, 185, total pork 21.3%
Moore: 10,283,185, total pork 6.8%
Tiahrt: 15,331,185, total pork 16.6%

Total Ed Pork 55,206,702. Total pork % for education 15.6%

b) Combined congressional pork for educational crap by post-secondary education institution

KSU-11, 941, 185 (Moran)
10, 341,185 (Jenkins),
6,283,185 (Moore)
5,341,185 (Tiahrt)

All our porkballers love KSU with the highest slab of bacon total
$ 33,906,740 pieces of bacon.

KU 1,000,000 (Moran)
4,000,000 (Jenkins)
4,000,000 (Moore)

Tiahrt hates KU. Total pork for Jayhawkers. $9 million. This excludes pork related to KU Med Center (State pork) and pork to fund a building for private doctors by Pork King Moore.

Wichita State 8,650,000(Tiahrt).

Cloud County Community College (Moran) 2,000,000
Fort Hays State College (Moran) 310,000
Hutchison Community College (Moran) 500,000
Butler Community College (Tiahrt) 840,000
Coffeyville Community College (Tiahrt) 500,000.

Community College Total Pork: 4,150,000.

Giving pork to community colleges is merely a free congressional x-mas gift of your federal tax dollars. Lynn Jenkins hates community colleges giving zero. To me, good for Jenkins. The other three fiscally irresponsible porkballers limited bacon to only five community colleges in the entire state. So, overall, congressional porkers hate community colleges.

In the context of frying bacon to state colleges and universities, this is merely the broad-based culture of congressman across the nation. Probably because its popular form of corruption of our federal tax dollars.

Based on total bacon amount, Moran (just barely) wins the very competitive Coveted Education Porkball. I am also have to revisions to Moran's 1/2 porkball for municipal pork because I originally included his community college pork as part of his muni pork.

Finally, congrats to Jenkins for winning the Citizens Against Government Waste Porker of the Month Award for broken promises related to all pork being limited to the federal government or a strong nexus to the federal government. She came close and still remains in last place for wasting federal tax dollars. Jenkins is going to have to waste a lot more of our money to rise to being Queen of Kansas Porkballers next fiscal year. (FY2011). Although Moran is giving her stiff competition.

It remains to be determined who was the best of the worst at being fiscally conservative. Clearly, Moore and Tiahrt are not concerned what-so-ever with fiscal conservatism. These two yahoos are in a class of their own doling out huge slabs of bacon.

Next in PorkBall Series: We are getting closer to the end of giving an overall summary, final commentary, and the ultimate Golden Porkball Congressional Award. At this point, it is clearly down to Moore vs. Tiahrt. Then, by around May-June, there should be some data on which Senator is the biggest porker. Neither Roberts or Brownback are fiscal conservatives when it comes to doling out bacon. Both of these two have been ruining our nation fiscally for a real long time. Back to work on the next post.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Feeling Decoupled? Back to PorkBall Series

I am still decoupled based on KS GOV April 17 decoupling recommendation tanamount to Kansas becoming its own country based on a recommendation by Kate. And equally disappointed her Senate hearing was not shown on C-Span Comedy Channel yesterday because it was not important enough.

I did however endure listening to Treasury Tim give reassurances and puffery related to how our entire domestic financial industry basically being in the crapper and can only be saved by private/government investments in purchasing their too big to fail increasing toxic or non-performing assets.

I merely wonder if I can buy Bank of America's 25 billion in non-performing assets for about six bucks. And then after doing this original post, he is now on CNBC talking about 3-4 trillion in global toxic assets which makes me think "should I rush to my bank now?" Thanks Treasury Tim for the banking collapse anxiety again. Not to mention on April 29, based on real GDP, the US will move from recession to a depression. But quoting Afred E. Neuman wisdom, "what me worry?"

Regardless, back to our PorkBall series with year-to-year performance data without bias for awarding another pork ball to the winner based on year-to-year bacon improvement. So first, the data in millions and then the pork ball award. Plus I am sticking in known Senate pork. Data for FY 09 is reported at for both. FY2010 data is compiled from each congressional web site and as noted previously in prior posts, arrogant KS Senators do not want to inform us yet, of their FY 2010 pork.

Senator FY09 bacon:

Brownback 87.1 on 79 earmarks
Roberts 53.6 on 47 earmarks

Senate Bacon 140.7 million on 126 earmarks for FY09:


Moran 8 million on 19 earmarks (FY09), 32 million on 30 earmarks, 398%
Boyda/Jenkins 38 on 49 earmarks, 68 millon on 21 earmarks, 178%
Moore 7 on 24 earmarks, 151 million on 52 earmarks, 2054% increase
Tiahrt 69 on 19 earmarks, 101 million on 41 earmarks, 152% increase.

HR Bacon 120 million on 111 earmarks (FY09)
352 million on 144 earmarks. (FY2010).
293% increase in total congressional bacon.
(Some rounding due to inability to master blog word wrapping).

Clearly, Moore wins another porkball on total bacon pieces and on a percentage basis. Now analyzing this data makes me realize how difficult it is to post spreadsheet data in a tabular format in a simple blog. Especially when doing edits of the original post because I lost a crapload of formatting when I posted, requiring a lot of post-edit fixing.

Second, other than the obvious lack of fiscal conservatism when the economy is tanking, it is interesting to note that total pieces of bacon (earmarks) and the amount of bacon (dollars) should make more pork recipients happier and all taxpayers less happy.

Third, in FY09, some of the congressman were worried about being called porkers due to the election cycle. For example, this year's pork king was basically afraid of voter pork backlash during an election cycle. (Moore came in last place in FY09).

Tiahrt was pork king for FY09 last year. Over the last two years, Tiahrt is top pork king for the two years combined with a total of 168 million barely beating Moore's two year total of 158.6 million. Moore merely caught up with his whopping 2054% increase in pork in FY2010; despite how he insists he is Blue Dog Democrat Co-Chair. Way to lead the blue dogs. Now during an election cycle in a hotly contested race, party leadership swings a lot of pork to a particular congressman like Boyda in order to look great back home. DNC , KS Dem Party and Boyda Plan failed.

Fourth, if I lived in Moran's 1st district, I would either have to love him for being a fiscal conservative ; or really be upset by his only bringing home the bacon of a pitiful two-year total of 40 million. But as previously noted, Moran got 1/2 pork ball for giving 53% to municipal pork.

Fifth, when reviewing pork, it is important to ascertain how KS ranks in slapping down the bacon based on the overall population of the state in relation to other states. Pork is a return of some of the federal taxes paid by Kansans. So, we should be certain KS is getting a proportionate share of pork from all these yahoo politicians. Overall, we are not. Meaning some other state(s) like Alaska are getting some of KS's share of the federal bacon based on population attributed to all KS politicians not asking and ensuring our state gets a proportional amount of pork.

To briefly summarize, if you like pork, our politicians are under performing in bringing home the bacon proportional to our state population. On the other hand, if are a fiscal conservative, our politicians are doing better than other state's federal porkers.

So based on FY 2010 data, let's give Moore another ball of pork. And also give Tiahrt a pork ball for his 2 year accumulative total and King of Pork based on two-year data.

Finally, I have a few more posts related to this porkballing series. I am getting weary of compiling and analyzing data; but this is important enough that it seems worth the substantial effort. And for all practical purposes, demonstrates why blogs are a lot better than the local media when it comes to compiling and reporting original data. In particular, the Crappy Red Star.

Next Porkball Post: I still want to post some details related to state pork including the tremendous amount of pork going to community colleges and state universities. How this kind of pork is somehow related to funding the federal government even by a fuzzy nexus remains a mystery to me.

I also may do a drill down into the 3rd District pork based on distribution in the 3 county area. I want to understand why JOCO gets so much and the other two counties in the congressional district are basically getting de minimis bacon.

Monday, April 20, 2009

KS GOV recommends KS Secede

News flash.

Source: Kansas Jackass, aka dem nut jackasses, demiwants, progressive liberal commies, neosocialists.

GOV of KS now apparently wants Kansas to secede from United States of America in her tax increase e-mail dated April 17 sent to the Kansas Legislature suggesting: "Kansas could save $77 million by decoupling from Federal Tax Code".

If the state of Kansas is going to decouple from the federal tax code, so am I. Decouple me, (big) bro.

New Kansas Slogan: Kansas, it's its own country.

Good move. Can't wait for decoupled Senators to ask about her secession plan tomorrow at HHS Confirmation hearing. Along with the tax cheating stuff, the omissions on Tiller the Killer contributions, her Blue Stem PAC, obstruction of the KS legislature, elite Kansas Cavalry, etcetereas.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Municipal PorkBall: Distortion of the General Welfare of the United States

Preamble to the United States Constitution excerpt:

We the people of the United States, in order to . . . promote the general welfare . . . do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The United States of America-the nation. Not every geographic location, including some pedunk town in KS. However, when it comes to PorkBall, frequently pork politicians (Congressman and Senators) distort and refer to "promote the general welfare" while ignoring the entire preamble as written and intended by the founding fathers. It clearly could have stated the several states, and every municipality, township and geographic subdivision. But with purpose and intent, the founding fathers did not.

The founding fathers clearly wanted a small federal government by enumeration understanding and limiting the possibility and dangers of a huge central federal government being dangerous to our nation and ensuring the sovereign right of states, counties and their local communities to pay for their own crap having no connection to the national interest. (Federalism).

One advantage to a huge federal government is no requirement to have a balanced budget. Naturally, when there is no fiscal restraint, any huge central federal government can do a better job than any state, county or local community that does have to operate within a balanced budget.

The founding fathers could have, but did not state the several states; much less promote the general welfare of every municipality in every county of every state. Yet Porkballers do this intentional distortion for several reasons to justify funding of municipal projects with your federal tax dollars. Frequently, politicians try to justify a redistribution of fiscal insanity by claiming they know what is best for our local communities.

What they should be stating is what is best for the United States of America-the nation. It is also important to understand the United States of America and the federal government are two important but separate entities. For example, you can love the United States of America but not like the federal government or the yahoo politicians doling out your federal tax dollars.

Porker politicians justify pork handouts to local municipalities that have failed/chosen or omitted to pay for own stuff related to their municipal infrastructure. To be specific, water, sewer, police and fire, parks, local public education, museums, roads, bridges, ad nauseam.

Naturally, porkers also do this in their self-interest doling out our tax dollars in fiscal irresponsibility to get votes in a particular community to improve their chances of keeping their jobs. But this selfishness multiplied by every politician to every municipality in every state wanting, asking and getting municipal pork is exactly what our founding fathers wanted to avoid-a huge federal government responsible for every municipality in America. Our founding fathers were clear in purpose and intent of staying narrowly focused on a small limited federal government.

The founding fathers were clear the term United States of America is be construed narrowly in the context of a nation and certainly was never intended to include state, county or municipal pork. It was the responsibility of the residents of each state, county and municipal form of governance to choose, pay for, and be responsible for funding their own stuff. (The only exception authorizing federal funding to the state and local level is the passage of federal mandates). The federal government should pay for federal stuff limited to the nation. Conversely, locals should pay for their crap.

Historically, this distortion of federalism started with FDR. And has not abated since then. Instead of a narrow and limited federal government, politicians continue to move further away from the intent of our founding fathers with further and further socialism getting us to the point to where we are now a nation dominated by a huge central federal government. Broad-based fiscal irresponsibility with the federal government interfering and limiting a free market economy requiring ever-increasing taxes to fund more and more socialism to the point where the Abomination boldly proclaims "economic redistribution". Which so much interference in state's sovereignty, 3 states are talking about seceding again.

We, the people of the United States have to stop this nonsense. If it takes tea parties, so be it. We have to stop the doling out of federal tax dollars to municipalities that failed to take care of their own stuff and now expect all of us to pay for their failures to be responsible locally.

So, now let us go to back to our local Kansas federal porkballers and their passing the bacon to local communities. Of our four congressman, how does each one rate in doling out pork to local communities warranting the coveted municipal porkball award? But first, I think before doing so, we have to understand the concept of pork priorities. Given x dollars of municipal and apparently unstoppable distribution of local pork, which municipal pork projects are in the best interests as a nation? Surely, we can compare one municipal pork to another piece of municipal pork and state one over the other is far better from a national, state or local perspective.

Jenkins definitely gets no pork balls coming in last place for local community pork; provided her fuzzy earmarks have no surprises. Out of her purported earmarks of 68 million she promised not to get, only 5. 2 million of pork goes to improving local roads/state highways in Ottawa, Manhattan and Lawrence. (7.6 %). That is it. (This omits 4. 5 million to KDOT to merely study expansion of US Highway 69 to Ft. Scott-Pittsburg area. That is state pork). Why these local communities do not pay for this themselves is beyond me. These are all Congressional X-Mas gifts of your federal tax dollars to local communities too cheap to pay for their crap.

Jerry Moran, despite coming in last in total overall pork around 32 million, may deserve a pork ball for all kinds of ridiculous projects based on asking for the most local pork on a percentage basis. 17 million-53% of your tax dollars funding many local municipalities. And that is omitting his huge pork to local community colleges.

Next, is Todd, "I love giving your money to private corporations" Tiahrt, past winner of one pork ball. Will there be enough pork left for his local communities out of his 101.3 million? Apparently not. A scant 4.25 million. Most of which goes to the city of Wichita and 750,000 to the city of Rose Hill that has failed to take care of their own storm water drainage. So clearly, Todd loves private corporations and dislikes most local municipalities doling out a merely 4.2 percent of his pork. This is probably related to the huge contributions made by corporations as compared to small contributions to his political campaign by local citizens. Todd is getting even.

Finally, that leaves us with Dennis "moore pork" Moore-our undisputed champion of total congressional pork having already won the coveted prize of two porkballs. Excluding a crapload of pork for pork buses both in KS and MO, local churches and local non-profits, Moore's local municipal pork comes in at 75.5 million, most of which goes to JOCO, KS municipalities unhappy that that there streets and bike trails are not good enough. So, Moore only gets half a pork ball for municipal pork dollar total. (50% to local pork); while we give Moran half a pork ball based on the highest percentage at 53% on a percentage basis-a split pork ball decision.

Next post related to this series on PorkBall: Year to Year to comparison of FY 09 to 2010 porkball. Who wins the next Golden Porkball Award for most improved year-to-year fiscal irresponsibility?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

PorkBall Update: Tiahrt wins one Pork Ball

Todd Tiahrt deserves special recognition for his pork of one pork ball. He is certainly special since he is :

a) responsible for a lot of fiscal irresponsibility and a master of non-accountability, but great at denial, excuses and blame for the huge fiscal mess we are in; and

b) wants a job promo he does not deserve, but unless anyone better runs for Senate, it will come down to election of who is the worst candidate we can tolerate. Personally, I think he deserves to be fired.

Todd gets one pork ball because of all the KS congressman, he gives 40% of his 101 million in pork of your tax dollars to private entities in Wichita. So, give one oink shout to a really crappy congressman.

In regard to Jenkin's fuzzy and ever- changing earmark numbers, today her staff including Chief of Staff Pat Liepold and her staff in DC refuse to disclose what her total earmarks requests really are. So, it's hard to get an exact and precise total making me highly suspect of her own web site and her as a politician campaigning on no earmarks. Not to mention her support and sponsor of a legislative regressive tax scheme.

In regard to Senate earmarks, I talked with both KS Senators offices in DC. Apparently as I was informed, Senators are special. They are going to piecemeal earmarks 30 days prior to committee markup for FY 2010-a changing date that allows piecemeal reporting. Senators are very good at at obstructing transparency efforts and not reporting their earmarks. And typically arrogant whenever any person makes an inquiry regarding the same. This needs to be reconciled in the name of transparency.

Naturally, Senators will fight that process so voters need to demand that process be reconciled with what is required by congressman. KS senators do not want you to know when requests are made; or who made the request until it to late until after they have sent out a press release after the fact, to brag about how wonderful they are. They are not wonderful. They are arrogant and hate to be accountable.

OMB used to a good source of data for getting some earmark data. Since Barry has taken office, there has been a notable change in OMB burying earmark data making it almost impossible to compile any meaningful data on Senators.

In other stuff worth noting, yesterday Obama announced his next tax scheme-tax simplification or "Tax Fairness" So hopefully crap and trap is going to get flushed. Now "Tax Fairness" is going to be eliminating a bunch of itemized deductions hitting the middle class. Barry will keep fighting for the second portion of Spend and Tax to pay for the first part-Spend. Which will only lead to even bigger Tea Party events.

Congrats to patriots and dissenters that did attend the non-political Tea Party events yesterday. I had prior obligations that prevented me from direct participation; although I did attend the first local Tea Party and informed a lot of others about these kinds of events. I especially appreciate some of the organizers for clearly informing politicians they are welcome to attend but not be headline speakers. Hats off to the Chicago Tea Party for not letting RNC Steele give any speech.

My favorite Tea Party was in Austin, TX with rocker Ted Nuegent as reported by fellow linked blogger, Big Feed, Captain Thurston. Both him and JOSOB help me keep things in proper perspective during difficult times for their snarky and satirical posts that make them blog heroes of mine.

JOSOB really deserves a tip of the hat for writing so often about the local and horrible crime scene in an unusual manner (dark satire). JOSOB deserves and has earned a bit of recognition for some of his work effort pertaining to reporting on crime. I merely wonder if there are Pulitzer nomination forms for web bloggers? There certainly should be, if there is not.

Do be careful. A lot of those connected with the Tea Party event organizers are also behind pushing for regressive tax policy schemes like Fair and Flat Tax schemes. Especially, the local Kansas City Fair Tax, Flint Hills, Koch Industries and KS AFP people.

Finally, in regard to DHS Secretary Report classifying almost every American as some kind of terrorist, this may and should result in the first voluntary Abomination resignation in Barry's cabinet. I personally volunteered as a vet to be placed on DHS's list. I recommend everyone else volunteer too. I am pretty certain I am already on several lists in Washington as it is. Proudly.

Next PorkBall Update: Porkball abuses attributed to a distortion and abuse of the "general welfare" clause suggesting why federal pork should not used to fund municipalities because they were too cheap or misguided to maintain their own infrastructure, wasting local taxes on worthless municipal projects and boondoggles. For example, think Jackson County, MO and Kansas City MO.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Exclusive: KS Pork-Moore wins coveted PorkBall(s)

Moore is the undisputed king of Kansas congressional pork for FY 2010 based on initial estimates subject to any minor revision I might feel like doing. Moore also gets a most- improved pork ball player considering last year, his pork was a scant 7 million (more than a 22-fold increase from prior year). So next time you see Dennis, give him a well-deserved squeal.

Oink, oink Dennis. Glad to see your web site writes about fiscal conservatism and this kind of number should really impress your Blue Dog (or is it yellow dog) Dem buddies. Also, good job Lynn Jenkins for your follow the herd mentality by not keeping your promises on no earmarks.

Moore, 2010 King of pork: $151, 244, 040.
Tiahrt loves pork: $101, 303,000
Jenkins "I am not asking for pork except" : $68, 000,000
Last place, "get rid of Jerry" Moran: $31, 996, 185.

Losers: Kansas Taxpayers to the corrupt tune of around $352, 543, 225.

More analysis later as I drill down into specific corruption related to funding all kinds of organizations not related to the operation of the federal government. No data yet on Senate pork which is usually a lot bigger and far more "creative".

Merry Congressional X-Mas. Again, everyone request your own 2011 earmarks ASAP. Merely remember there is no standard for requesting pork. So, remember what Jesus stated a while back: "Ask and ye shall recieve." A lot of people obviously did. Why not you? Are you gonna ignore Jesus?

Author Footnote: Moore had a lot more requests for earmarks. He merely omitted some of them including my $250,000 earmark request to study and research how to end earmark nonsense-I am assuming my request was denied meaning I will have to come up with something even more bogus for FY 2011. So when you submit your earmark, get creative and give it bunch of phoney-baloney crap like the rest of the requestors.

Go ahead and get some practice by submitting your own draft earmark here in the comments section. I am sure we will all be entertained.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

PorkBall: Congressional X-Mas Time

Porkball time. Data is now available on Kansas's Congressman's porkball winners via the tax and spend politicans. I will be doing a detailed analysis of this new round of pork through and after the Easter holiday. I have to file my own congressional campaign reports and other federal documents this week.

Generally, when I do an analysis of this data, I look to see if there is any connection related to the operation of the federal government. If not, its not just an earmark, its porkball. I also look at whether the pork is to what level of government operations-federal, state, county, local or not related to government at all.

More on this later. It merely takes a while to do an important and in-depth analysis of all this federal porkball giveaway we all pay for.





I suggest everyone submit your own earmark request in writing with an affirmative response required so next time, you will be on the PorkBall X-Mas list also until such as time as this money for nothing corruption nonsense grinds to a big halt.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Demiwants want crap and trap

Due to all the socialistic youthful misguided dem nut idealism, it seems a few new words are appropriate to be added to the political lexicon-demiwants, demiwantists (the collective of the fiscally irrational socialists) and demiwantism (ridiculus silly doomed political ideology).

I keep noticing dem leaders like Barry in his abominable speeches; as well as, and in particular, KS dem blog people's favorite clause in blog writings seems to be "I want". I want this and I want that. Including a naive idea generally referred to "I want a free lunch" mentality. And demiwants always naturally want someone else to pay for it. Like me-- an intellectually enlightened, rational fiscal conservative, but still compassionate anti-demiwant. Compassion in this context means pity for broke-ass demiwants too lazy to work.

So let's stop calling them democrats and call them what they are-demiwants or demiwantists espousing demiwantism as a political ideology that has failed over and over throughout the entire history of mankind. Now this is the exact opposite ideology of old-time, pre-Bush GOP people who liked to state, "I am willing to pay x taxes for the services promised in the United States Constitution" based on a long-lost idea called fiscal responsibility, accountability and conservatism.

So, the question is what tax scheme, con job or shell game will Barry use to pay for all this demiwantism? Crap and Trap, aka Cap and Trade. Barry was slick and artful in his pre-election rhetoric regarding promising not to raise the taxes on all individuals making less than the arbitrary 250,000. After election, he broke that promise like a typical politican with buried taxes in the SCHIP legislation. (61 cent Cigarette Sales Tax).

Crap and Tax (huge taxes on your utility bill) is merely the next socialistic thinly veiled tax scheme by these demiwants. So technically, crap and tax is not a direct tax on individuals unlike the outright pre-election lie like the cigarette tax was. It's a pass-thru or indirect tax scheme to pay for all this demiwant socialism. So it's important politically going forward to understand Barry's tax agenda will be indirect, pass-thru taxes beyond rational belief.

Hopefully, crap and trap will be flushed down the toilet. Even a few dems understand crap and trap is a horrible idea that will only result in lots of political backlash resulting in a lot of GOP people getting elected in 2010. But still, there has to be a new dem nut tax scheme and the demiwants will give it a creative name like Save America Economic Stimulus Package or something similar.

In regard to prior posts, I commented how Barry's only success to date was related to space off the planet earth since his domestic and foreign agenda was not working. With the G-20 and NATO summit(s), we are seeing him expound further his "I am listening" international agenda. So I give Barry one point for attempts. While I applaud his goal of ending Bush hegemony, infringement on foreign soverigns and imperialism, Barry certainly got a lot of European rhetoric related to sending NATO troops in Afghanistan. Prior to the election, I stated if Europe likes Barry, that is not a good thing.

Europe wants the US to continue to pay for their country's national defense from international terrorists. That way, their respective countries unlike the US, can continue to focus on their own country's domestic agenda. Ironically, this tricky European plan has been working to the detriment of our domestic agenda making us look pretty naive. I merely suggest we should pull all of our troops out of Europe and make Europeans take responsibilty economically and with their lives to be responsible for all thier own country's protection from international terrorists and each other. The best reason-I want to hear all the crying by the wussy European socialists.

Finally, tomorrow is Gate's DOD 2010 534 billion dollar budget proposal including around 69 billion in supplemental funding for Iraq. With dem nuts in control, one would rationally expect to see a decrease in the DOD budget to help finance all this domestic socialism. Nope. DOD increase. The fiscal irresponsiblity of demiwants merely continues until around 2010 election time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Nuclear Danger: Merriam Mayoral Election Time

Ahh, the wonders of spring. Flowers are blooming. Birds and bugs are returning. Romantics have delusional fantasies about getting lucky with love. That time of the year for optimists to write about how the the KC Royals will have a really good baseball team until the season opener. Time to set Nietzsche and Ayn Rand books back on the bookshelves. The local police departments are busy setting up their hidden speed traps because the weather is warmer.

It's that time of the year that Katy Horner, actress and drama queen at KCTV5 turns every drop of rain into some ungodly unnatural weather event that is going to kill everyone. Plus, its that time for one of my personal favorite NASCAR-like event-the fun of going to the local Post Office April 15 to watch all the phoney-baloney desperate tax cheats drive around at 1 minute to midnight in some small parking lot.

It's always entertaining to watch them drive by with their well-earned paranoia. These special people all have the same look-"hey, can I get away with this tax scheme this year." And if your smiling right now, it's only because you identify. If it helps your tax anxiety, yes we here at the federal government do record your license plate numbers on April 15. Just look to the left, right, up and down. You will see most of the hidden camera(s).

Regardless of spring's many wonders, it's dangerous to be anywhere near Merriam, Kansas. Petty and insignicant events like a N. Korea missle launch is yawn time because around here, it's mayoral election time. Our staff of qualified risk assessors tend to point to a high probability around the level of nuclear. This is like a full moon-crashing into-earth time.

It's that time of the year the media circus converges on Merriam because they know something crazy is going to happen because it's another time for city elections. This spring is the four-year media special-pick a mayor time election.

It's also a dangerous time for me to write about Merriam city elections. Because every time I do, out comes the city goon squad or the ultra-conservative right wing nutjobs which usually results in me getting to talk to Judge Draco again at the local municipal kangaroo court. This year, maybe I can be anticipatory and just show up in court and plead guilty before ever being charged with any fabricated allegation. When Draco asks what I am guilty of, I'll just say "why, when did that ever matter?" Just do like usual. "Make up something."

Finally, satirist Mike Hendricks at the crappy Red Star newspaper ruined by McClatchy Group, got lucky and did a nice piece regarding how well Merriam is getting taken for a free ride by crooks at real estate developer DDR. See