Saturday, February 21, 2009

Moore Rhetoric Protest: Abomination Snowball Effect

There were certainly a lot of people attending the Moore Rhetoric Porkulus Protest than even I expected. Which is pretty amazing the number that appeared considering the temperature being in the twenties and most of us only heard about this event Thursday thanks to Michelle Malkin. People were leaving as fast as they were arriving due to the cold weather. So, it will be almost impossible to get an accurate head count.

There really was not that much organization to the event for the time I was there. Most of the protest signs were made pretty darn quickly. It was a like a create a campaign sign contest with little time to prepare. The O.P. Police were there sitting in their cars(thanks), parking was limited to residential areas, and everyone had to stand next to the street with their signs of protest. I got there early and had to park 2 1/2 blocks away in a residential area.

But the real event was the number of people that did come to protest. People driving by tended to be supportive with their horn honks.

The bottom line here is there are a lot of people that are upset with the incumbent and the whole abomination. Especially after the Rick Santelli rant on CNBC Thursday over the mortgage bailout fiasco. Hope is turning to anger. How can Barry screw this up so quickly?

On a sidenote, its interesting to see how most of the TV media ignored the event. Which probably explains one of the reasons for the growth of political blogs in this area. People, including myself are tired of all the local media bias here in Kansas City. We cannot trust the local media and have to resort to blogs.

I did go over and introduce myself to Amanda Grosserode, the event organizer; as well as thank her. I am sure she was overwhelmed by this high a turnout. I hope we meet again and she plans more events like this in far better weather conditions. I also talked to a few the people there to get some feedback on why they were there.

One of the people I met is organizing another event Saturday, Feb. 28. This event is a tea party one mile walk. It starts at 10:00 at the J.C. Nichols Parkway, just east of the Plaza ending at Senator Claire McCaskill's office at 4141 Pennsylvania.

The organizer suggests everyone bring some tea. I still like the idea of bring beans and cornbread to go along with the pork we are paying for. Maybe the event organizer of the Tea Party Walk will consider rescheduling for a better day on the weekend so more people can attend. Hopefully, the weather will be better also.

For 750 or so people to attend today's event in twenty degree weather indicates we have some problems to deal with in America. And the abomination is not the answer. Expect the crowds to get bigger and bigger as the abomination snowball effect worsens. Like when Barry starts talking health care reform next week. Expect an avalanche instead of only a snowball.


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