Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wanted: Guest Blog Authors

Open Invitation: Guest Blog Authors Wanted

One thing I learned in politics is to welcome diversity of thought. Regardless of political affiliation. So, for a while, I want to give an invitation to those who can write well related to what we can do better than the current yahoo politicians. Generally via essays. But do not want the pain of maintaining their own blog on a regular basis. So my goal is to provide a medium for serious authors. Even socialist dem authors so we can all make fun of them.

Being snarky, using satire, and humor, wrapped around serious political thought is a plus. Passion is great provided you don't rant and preach all the time. Or go negative all the time, while having no solutions to anything. What you write has to be related to making political thought better than what we currently are getting from most of these crappy politicans we have elected.

As far as technical matters, the only requirement to allow you to be a blog author is a valid email. While I prefer those who have courage to use their real name, upon request I will allow you to be anonymous or use a pen name.

For consideration, merely contact the mod of this blog. Some kind of writing sample (past or current) will be required to demonstrate you can write. No babysitting or editing by me. My only control will be whether you continue to have guest blog author privileges. On a sidenote, no advertising is on this blog. So, I derive no income from what you choose to write.



  1. My letter to Congressman Dennis Moore

    Dear Congressman Moore,

    I understand you have an excellent reputation for constituent services. I have a serious problem and need relief. I can afford to pay my own mortgage on my small house and put gas in my old paid off car, however, I cannot afford to pay off my neighbors mortgages, losses of rich wall street barons that occurred because of their own incompetence, and auto company pension funds. My condition is getting critical. What can you do to help me?

    Gary Glenn

  2. Gary, I still remember when you knocked on my door and asked me to run for city council. I asked you why? And you stated simply "because it is fun."

    So today, with all this bias, corruption, and discrimination; not to mention fiscal irresponsibilty in D.C., when does the fun start?

    I merely wish you would agree to be on my campaign staff. I would put you in charge of telling me when I am having fun.
