This is a draft of a play I am writing. So come back as we develop the characters over the next four long and agonizing years. Especially, for the democrats.
Cast of characters:
Al Bundy: Played by you and our national economy
Peg Bundy: Played by Nancy Pelosi
Kelli Bundy: Played by Hillary Clinton
Bud Bundy: Played by Barry Obama
Marci Darci: Played by Kate Gilligan Sebelius
Steve Darci: Played by Rod Blagojevich
Buck, the dog: GOP party
Al comes through the front door depressed about financial matters.
Peg scurries over to greet him.
Peg: AAAAALLLL, I need some money.
Kelli: Yeah dad. We need some money. Look how little you gave us the last four years.
Bud: Yeah Dad. You keep spending way too much on that Dodge.
Al: Jeez. I come home after a long day and all I hear is money, money, money. All I have is this trillion dollar credit card. Get some groceries. But don't spend it all.
Peg grabs the credit card almost tearing Al's arm off.
Peg, Kelli and Bud start laughing gleefully as they exit never looking back.
Shot fades to Buck as he looks sadly at his empty dog bowl.
Al ignores Buck and goes over to get a beer. But the refrigerator is empty. Dejected, he walks over and turns on the TV and sits down on the couch. Inserts hand into pants to comfort himself.
Time for GM commercial:
Camera pans over crappy GM Auto. Audio track sings new GM song over and over).
Time for extortion. Buy our crappy cars or you don't get your bailout money back.
10 Keunggulan Mesin Vakum Keripik Buah Agrowindo
10 years ago
This makes very little sense.