Sunday, January 18, 2009

Delusions of Grandeur: Obamamania

Barry further demonstrates why he is now the new manic leader of John Nash with his delusions of grandeur because he now wants to write a new "declaration of independence". Its like the original version written in 1776 is not good enough.

Or, is Barry diverging down that path of megalmania? Or like a schizophrenic, is Barry's personality merely splitting in both directions? Regardless, the pressure of being President-elect has made him start appearing a tad bit crazy.

First, what nation is Barry declaring independence from? What usurpations of the Fantasy Express suddenly require a new Declaration of Independence. I suggest Barry might be declaring independence from the nation of Sanity. Barry might want to create a new cabinet post-Secretary of Psychiatry that can teach Barry to dance the Thorazine Shuffle at the Abomination Inaugural Ball. I am sure Ozzy Osbourne would be highly recommended. See ruler at featuring "I (Barry) am not going away".

Second, what next? Is Barry going to replace the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the American Flag as the soul founder of the Abomination? I wonder what Ted Neugent thinks about this?

Finally, I am really disappointed in Oprah. Clearly, she did not lose 15 pounds as promised. I just hope at one of these Abomination Balls, I get to see Barry trying to get his arms around her fat ass.

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