Get ready. In late January, the dems are going to try to raise the federal fuel tax again; as well as recommend states to do the same to pay for "stimulating" the economy by a process called Abomination.
Expect the same results as 1994. Not only do the dems want to raise the tax, they also want to index it based on inflation. And this is just one tax. Expect a dem controlled Congress to raise many taxes under Obamunism.
The current federal fuel tax is 18.4 cents a gallon. Kansas adds 25 cents. Then, there are the county and local taxes where I reside that add another 7.7 cents via local sales taxes. So the grand total per gallon is 51.1 cents per gallon. And this total is before any zany proposed increase in federal or state fuel taxes are considered.
And that tax total only only includes the direct taxes on fuel excluding taxes charged to merchants. Naturally, merchants pass taxes related to fuel to you in addition, that also adds to the cost of one gallon of gas. And for diesel, its even worse.
Currently, we are consuming 390 millions gallons of gas a day as a nation. This is a crapload of of derived tax revenue benefiting at all levels of government. Since the fuel tax revenue is declining from less consumption, the federal and state governments will be arguing for massive increases in lost revenues from fuel taxes.
So, with the economy in the tank, we are going to be penalized for driving less by a tax that never goes backwards-fuel taxes. A consumption tax. The federal and state governments love high fuel prices because they benefit while you pay. Hence, why gas prices climbed about $4 a gallon this past summer. And what will the price a gallon will be in the summer of 2009 with higher fuel taxes? Don't count on the federal or state politicians to do much about fuel prices. Remember, they benefit-you pay.
What I propose would be best for our nation is the exact opposite-lowering the fuel taxes at both the state and federal level; instead of an Obamanation's first round of "stimulation". (Adding around a trillion to the federal debt). I also believe the higher the price of gas, the tax should be reduced in direct proportion--a sliding scale; if not eliminated.
Obamunism including big government dem controlled Congress has everything backwards. Just like 1994 with a lot of FDR type socialism piled on top. History is replete that you stiffle economic recovery by raising taxes, including fuel taxes. All higher taxes and deficit spending will do, is ensure a lot longer recession.
Just so no to Obamunism including no to raising fuel taxes. As a matter of fact, demand a reduction in federal fuel taxes and any indexing should be an inverse relationship. The higher the price of gas, the lower the federal and state fuel taxes.
10 Keunggulan Mesin Vakum Keripik Buah Agrowindo
10 years ago
I'm raising awareness by wearing my Obamunism shirt and Obamunism hoodie.