Due to all the socialistic youthful misguided dem nut idealism, it seems a few new words are appropriate to be added to the political lexicon-demiwants, demiwantists (the collective of the fiscally irrational socialists) and demiwantism (ridiculus silly doomed political ideology).
I keep noticing dem leaders like Barry in his abominable speeches; as well as, and in particular, KS dem blog people's favorite clause in blog writings seems to be "I want". I want this and I want that. Including a naive idea generally referred to "I want a free lunch" mentality. And demiwants always naturally want someone else to pay for it. Like me-- an intellectually enlightened, rational fiscal conservative, but still compassionate anti-demiwant. Compassion in this context means pity for broke-ass demiwants too lazy to work.
So let's stop calling them democrats and call them what they are-demiwants or demiwantists espousing demiwantism as a political ideology that has failed over and over throughout the entire history of mankind. Now this is the exact opposite ideology of old-time, pre-Bush GOP people who liked to state, "I am willing to pay x taxes for the services promised in the United States Constitution" based on a long-lost idea called fiscal responsibility, accountability and conservatism.
So, the question is what tax scheme, con job or shell game will Barry use to pay for all this demiwantism? Crap and Trap, aka Cap and Trade. Barry was slick and artful in his pre-election rhetoric regarding promising not to raise the taxes on all individuals making less than the arbitrary 250,000. After election, he broke that promise like a typical politican with buried taxes in the SCHIP legislation. (61 cent Cigarette Sales Tax).
Crap and Tax (huge taxes on your utility bill) is merely the next socialistic thinly veiled tax scheme by these demiwants. So technically, crap and tax is not a direct tax on individuals unlike the outright pre-election lie like the cigarette tax was. It's a pass-thru or indirect tax scheme to pay for all this demiwant socialism. So it's important politically going forward to understand Barry's tax agenda will be indirect, pass-thru taxes beyond rational belief.
Hopefully, crap and trap will be flushed down the toilet. Even a few dems understand crap and trap is a horrible idea that will only result in lots of political backlash resulting in a lot of GOP people getting elected in 2010. But still, there has to be a new dem nut tax scheme and the demiwants will give it a creative name like Save America Economic Stimulus Package or something similar.
In regard to prior posts, I commented how Barry's only success to date was related to space off the planet earth since his domestic and foreign agenda was not working. With the G-20 and NATO summit(s), we are seeing him expound further his "I am listening" international agenda. So I give Barry one point for attempts. While I applaud his goal of ending Bush hegemony, infringement on foreign soverigns and imperialism, Barry certainly got a lot of European rhetoric related to sending NATO troops in Afghanistan. Prior to the election, I stated if Europe likes Barry, that is not a good thing.
Europe wants the US to continue to pay for their country's national defense from international terrorists. That way, their respective countries unlike the US, can continue to focus on their own country's domestic agenda. Ironically, this tricky European plan has been working to the detriment of our domestic agenda making us look pretty naive. I merely suggest we should pull all of our troops out of Europe and make Europeans take responsibilty economically and with their lives to be responsible for all thier own country's protection from international terrorists and each other. The best reason-I want to hear all the crying by the wussy European socialists.
Finally, tomorrow is Gate's DOD 2010 534 billion dollar budget proposal including around 69 billion in supplemental funding for Iraq. With dem nuts in control, one would rationally expect to see a decrease in the DOD budget to help finance all this domestic socialism. Nope. DOD increase. The fiscal irresponsiblity of demiwants merely continues until around 2010 election time.
10 Keunggulan Mesin Vakum Keripik Buah Agrowindo
10 years ago
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