Monday, April 27, 2009

Kansas Reporting 4 Cases of Congressional Swine Flu: Pelosi Virus HR1

Congressional swine flu continues to be a huge epidemic; aka congressional pigism. This week's new word for the political lexicon. Especially in Kansas with four known congressional swines-porkers. Congressional swine flu is believed to have originated in Washington DC and is best known as the Pelosi virus-HR1. Tea Parties are one cure. Keep up the good work as true patriots and do not let fiscally irresponsible politicans that caused the mess give speeches. Also, do not let predatory leeches like AFP and the KC Hardly Fair Tax people get their hooks embedded in your grass roots middle class movement in their twisted and evil flat or consumption tax regressive tax schemes. The other cure for Congressional swine flu is the 2010 election cycle with a new batch of fiscally conservative medicine anticipated at One link/source for further info:

KC Crime fighter/hero Dr. JOCOSOB @ In addition, my relatively new rookie blog is now being follwed by a fellow fiscal conservative in Florida @ Naturally one of the goals of this blog is further expansion nationally. Florida blog mod is a native-born American citizen from Ohio and currently a long-time resident of Florida. His parents were exiles from Cuba. Hopefully, I can get him to make some comments pertaining to his unique perspective regarding restoring relations with Cuba. I merely like the shift I am seeing as clearly stated and intended by our founding father's Constituional respect of other nation's rights to us not interfering in their nation's rights to their national sovereignity. A complete 180 from Bush-led hegemony and imperialism which is one of many reasons I filed as a congressional candidate. As a matter of fact, I talked to the White House in 2007 about being a Presidential intern because someone certainly needed to straighten this guy out. Just imagine-Dick "Satan" Cheney and me in the same room. Pretty certain the news of the day would have been Presidential intern waterboarded and transferred to GITMO.

In other weekend news worth reading, 100 days, 100 mistakes is worth a read @
Which I will be addressing seperately in my new "Weekly Dem Nuts Analysis" giving a broad weekly overview of important stuff from international, domestic, Kansas and local geopolitical perspective from the eyes of one of nine filed 2010 congressional candidates in Kansas. Although, I have differing views on the NY Post's Abomination mistake priority.

Next: In my on-going PorkBall series, I am considering the next posting may be which pork was actually related to the operation of a federal government agency. I am pretty certain Lynn Jenkins will come in last place since most of her pork was to federal agencies, or can establish a reasonable nexus to the operation of the federal government, with only a few mil of pork to municipals having no nexus. How audacious and anti-pork of Jenkins. What was she thinking? Is she trying to be a maverick and go against the DC culture of porkballing? How radical in trying to keep one's congressional oath to abide by the United States Constitution and understanding what promoting the general welfare of the United States means. Damn radical.

She's messing up my campaign to give a gazillion dollars to every resident in the state of Kansas. Around Friday, June 1 campaign mode is going to make a couple of quantum leaps forward with a couple of surprises. Stay tuned. Thanks for visiting my snarky "I get it" blog unlike the current batch of political yahoos that do want to blog or communicate with you at all because they are infected with congressional swine flu. There is a cure to this kind of flu which will be reported when I wrap up the PorkBaller Series.

Finally, I got a pearl of wisdom from a caller pertaining to tax policy reform. The caller asked me a really simple question and then pro-offered a suggestion-This wise person asked me, "why are taxes punitive instead of rewarding a person for their labor? How fundamental. I thanked that person trying to tie that fundamental wisdom into my on-going research on tax policy leading to solutions that I incorporate into what I refer to as "participatory democracy"--where the taxpayer has some kind of control over their own tax dollars; instead of some yahoo politican infected with swine pork flu. I do continue to improve my ability to listen and understand the voices of concerned citizens. I do want to hear solutions. To me, they are the real solution. Best person for Congress-you.

I am merely a voice and data gatherer trying to gather a consensus of what the voters and non-voters want as better solutions and reasonable expectations from their alleged representative, your congressman.

Priority News Alert: 11:45 CST. Gag on Joe Biden unlocked and removed as he delivers the keynote address at the Fifth Annual Richard J. Daley Urban Forum in Chicago. We all know this is worth a gaffe or two. Standing by for him saying something stupid leading to gag being reattached.

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